Join H0M Global Family

Calling all individual artists, art initiatives, festivals, organizations, and non-profits that work with diverse groups of artists! You are warmly encouraged to join forces with H0M Global Arts for the co-programming of Master Trips and Passion Education on a global scale. Regardless of your location, H0M provides a welcoming space for your passion to serve as a powerful inspiration to the world. You can learn more about H0M through our Intro videos.

If you are interested, please carefully read the Artists Call Instructions and check out our Private Guidance Videos from our H0M founder. We hope to help you understand every aspect of our call so that you know what you can submit and how we can build this global creative community together with H0M:)

After reading and watching our Artists Call Videos, if you are passionate about committing to this journey with us, please send request materials HERE or you can submit them from the bottom below.

All the submissions will receive feedback in less than two weeks.